Our government and corporate customers increasingly require the highest level of security and resilience from their satellite communications. With Inmarsat, they can be assured that cyber security is embedded throughout the lifetime of all of our technology and services; from design and production, through to operations and even end-of-life.
We adhere to internationally recognised standards and employ best-in-class monitoring and encryption capabilities. We also continue to invest in our security and risk management practices to stay ahead of evolving threats, industry regulations, customer expectations and legal requirements in each country in which we operate.
Our specialised security group identifies cyber threats and risks, and provides expertise to lead on strategies to manage those risks, while our 24/7 cyber security operations centre collaborates actively with the intelligence community as well as Inmarsat’s partners and customers.
With this 360 degree situational awareness, you can be reassured that we continue to maintain an industry-leading framework for effective, efficient, and adaptable cyber risk management.
Inmarsat is certified to recognised and established global security standards, including ISO 27001 (the international standard that provides the specification for an information security management system).
Inmarsat is also certified under the UK Cyber Essentials scheme and measures the maturity of Inmarsat’s cyber security systems against the U.S. National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) Cyber Security Framework.