
Interim and final dividend payments

Inmarsat’s interim and final dividends are announced in August and March respectively and the current policy is to pay dividends twice a year, generally in October and May respectively.

Dividends are declared in US dollars, but paid  in Pounds Sterling based on the exchange rate prevailing in the London market prior to payment. The Inmarsat Scrip Dividend Scheme is suspended indefinitely. Accordingly any Inmarsat shareholders who had elected to participate in the Inmarsat Scrip Dividend Scheme shall receive cash rather than Inmarsat shares in respect of the intrim 2019 dividend.

A record of historical dividend earnings are noted here for the past three years:

Final dividend 2018 

Announcement date: 07 March 2019

Ex-dividend date: 18 April 2019

Record date: 23 April 2019

Amount: 12.00 cents (US$) per share

Exchange rate: US$1.261405 / £1

Sterling cash dividend rate: 9.513202 pence

Payment date: 30 May 2019


Final dividend 2017

Announcement date: 09 March 2018

Ex-dividend date: 19 April 2018

Record date: 20 April 2018

Amount: 12.00 cents (US$) per share

Exchange rate: US$1.4045 / £1

Sterling cash dividend rate: 8.543966 pence

Scrip reference price: 367.64 pence

Payment date: 25 May 2018


Final dividend 2016

Announcement date: 08 March 2017

Ex-Dividend date: 20 April 2017

Record date: 21 April 2017

Amount: 33.37 cents (US$) per share

Exchange rate: US$1.2831 / £1

Sterling cash dividend rate: 26.007326 pence

Scrip reference price: 819.2 pence

Payment date: 26 May 2017


Interim dividend 2018

Announcement date: 02 August 2018

Ex-dividend date: 13 September 2018

Record date: 14 September 2018

Amount: 8.00 cents (US$) per share

Exchange rate: US$1.3165 / £1

Sterling cash dividend rate: 6.089902 pence

Scrip reference price: 495.04 pence

Payment date: 19 October 2018

Interim dividend 2017

Announcement date: 03 Aug 2017

Ex-dividend date: 14 Sept 2017

Record date: 15 Sept 2017

Amount: 21.62 cents (US$) per share

Exchange rate: US$1.34320 / £1

Sterling cash dividend rate:16.095890 pence

Scrip reference price: 629.35pence

Payment date: 20 Oct 2017


Interim dividend 2016

Announcement date: 04 Aug 2016

Ex-dividend date: 15 Sept 2016

Record date: 16 Sept 2016

Amount: 20.59 cents (US$) per share

Exchange rate: US$1.3198 / £1

Sterling cash dividend rate: 15.600848 pence

Scrip reference price: 708.85 pence

Payment date: 21 Oct 2016

Scrip Dividend Scheme

Further to the announcement that the boards of Inmarsat and Triton Bidco have reached an agreement on the recommended cash offer by Triton Bidco, a committee of the Inmarsat Board resolved (in accordance with the terms of Inmarsat Scrip Dividend Scheme) that the Inmarsat Scrip Dividend shall be suspended indefinitely and with effect from 25 March 2019, including in relation to the Final Dividend.  Accordingly, any Inmarsat Shareholders who had elected to participate in the Inmarsat Scrip Dividend Scheme shall receive cash rather than Inmarsat Shares in respect of the Final Dividend and any other dividend.